I was asked a while back to help with some renovation work. The work was in Spain, I was in two minds as to whether I should go. The reason was that I didnt have a passport. I wasn' too interested in having one because of the notion of borders is based on the existing monetary system.
I decided that I would go because I would be helping someone out. My passport was all arranged for me and the trip was then possible.
I had never flown before and the whole experience was interesting, yet strangely not as scary as I thought. Lots of time was spent in the airport as my host and I arrived at the airport far too early. I have to say that I don't much care for airports. They seem very sterile and unnatural.
The flight was short by comparison and we landed safely at the airport in spain. Two busses later we arrived at our hotel which would be our residence for our time in spain. The renovation work began a couple of days after we had settled in. The work at my hosts apartment initially was to be installing a new kitchen, however in the absence of electric to the apartment it was decided that we would do the painting of the walls and windows etc.
The scheduled work was to be three weeks and doing the bare essentials, we had plenty of time to complete it. A spanner was thrown into the works when my host had to come back to the uk early due to problems back home. This meant I was now on my own in a country of which I didn't speak the language. I was a little intrepid about it at first, though as my supplies were already provided in advance, I had little need to speak to anyone.
I had five days to get the work done, I did the best I could given the time left and materials avilable and pretty much covered all, even managed to clean the place befire I left.
The return journey was going to be a bit more interesting than getting there. My host, realising that I don't use money got me tickets for the bus journey which was part way to the airport. Because it wasn't possible to do this for the bus to the airport itself a transfer was arranged online.
The tickets for the transfer were sent to the hotel by email and my host had requested that the hotel print them off. The next day I hadnt had any feedback from the hotel staff notifying me that they had received the email. This was a concern for me as I really didnt want to get stranded in a forreign country not speaking the language. Thank goodness fir google translate is all I can say. I showed them the words and it had already been printed and waiting for me.
The day of my departure and all tickets now sorted. I managed to thank the hotel owner for the stay. Muchos Gracias along with gesturing and nodding got the message across. It seemed odd trying to communicate this way though it worked.
The journey back was very similar, much waiting around at bustation and airport. The views were interesting as we flew over Alicante, the sheer size of the place was amazing. Similarly London was too. Landed in uk safe and sound.
All in all it was an experience I am grateful for. It has made me see that language can be a barrier and when someone cant communicate well in your own language then more patience is needed. Something I kind of understood before but having been on the otherside I can apreciate the dificulties and be more understanding.
So now back in wales, continuing doing what I do.
If you are in need of any help with a project please get in touch.
#TheNoMoneyMan #MoneylessWorld #Travel #Work
Sunday, 8 December 2013
Thursday, 3 October 2013
Frequency & The Power of Thoughts
Hello all, if you are reading this I thank you for your attention at this point in reality.
I bring to you my spiritual side, the part of me that is you the part of me that is the universe, that is the infinite and divine in essence i beleive the word I would choose here is Namaste.
We are all connected we are all a part of this reality we are all part of the creative powers that bring us manifest as a whole. As we are all part of this ever unfolding, evolving reality we ourselves do create our own realities individually and collectively.
What i'm about to say, might, seem strange to some of you. None the less, it is, how it is. What am i going on about ? There is a universal law that is known as the law of attraction or law of frequency. If at first you realise that everything is a form of energy, even your thoughts. You can then begin to realise that all energy is a certain frequency and from there you can see that for frequencies to coincide they have to be complementary resonating frequencies.
Remembering that your thoughts are energy and they exist at a certain frequency, in a similar way to that of a radio transmitter/receiver. Essentially we are the receivers and transmitters of our reality. Have you ever heard the words, 'Be careful what you wish for' ? This is what, propose original meaning is. Every thought is a prayer, every prayer is a transmission of thought emitted from you resonating into unseen space/dimensionality bouncing back and being received by you as the answer to that particular frequency. For you to receive the answer you have to remain in the same level of frequency.
When you consider what the video has to say, the ramifications of your thoughts are amazing, and in my opinion, can explain the current state of the world. This would also explain the level of abundance people experience both collectively and as individuals.
I bring to you my spiritual side, the part of me that is you the part of me that is the universe, that is the infinite and divine in essence i beleive the word I would choose here is Namaste.
We are all connected we are all a part of this reality we are all part of the creative powers that bring us manifest as a whole. As we are all part of this ever unfolding, evolving reality we ourselves do create our own realities individually and collectively.
Remembering that your thoughts are energy and they exist at a certain frequency, in a similar way to that of a radio transmitter/receiver. Essentially we are the receivers and transmitters of our reality. Have you ever heard the words, 'Be careful what you wish for' ? This is what, propose original meaning is. Every thought is a prayer, every prayer is a transmission of thought emitted from you resonating into unseen space/dimensionality bouncing back and being received by you as the answer to that particular frequency. For you to receive the answer you have to remain in the same level of frequency.
Most will dismiss these concepts as just concept and nothing more , I would suggest, from my own experiences that this is more than just a concept. Not only that, science is now beginning to realise these facts. Quantum Physics looks at such a deep level that is discovering more about how our reality is constructed. I have included a video below, which briefly explains about the power of thought and quantum physics and how it can effect your your reality ..
When you consider what the video has to say, the ramifications of your thoughts are amazing, and in my opinion, can explain the current state of the world. This would also explain the level of abundance people experience both collectively and as individuals.
Saturday, 14 September 2013
Sphere of Influence, Are you in control ?
I’ve now been living without money for 27 months and in that
time I have done many more things than I probably would have done in 7 years
. In fact that most of my experiences
over the past 27 months would have never
happened if I had not decided to follow this path.
The same could be said for the rest of the world and society
at large. I would like you to think for a few moments and visualise the world
without money and how that will positively benefit us all. How many things don’t happen because the dark
forces of money prevent it.?
There are countless inventions, cures and brilliant world changing
ideas that are missed or ignored simply because it is not financially viable.
Imagine the leaps humanity could take if it were unhindered by our primitive
ideals and monetary system.
Just because the money isn’t there doesn’t mean that the
resources aren’t. In fact the resources
are always here. Money prevents things
from happening and holds us back from the very resources we need. If money no longer existed, it would mean we
as a species, would go from strength to strength and the powers that be would
have no stake and therefore no influence over us as they do now.
You have to realise that the political leaders, presidents
and prime ministers alike are not in control in the way that most would like to
believe. Quite simply they are under
control of big business (Busyness) either directly or indirectly. Believe it or not multinationals have much
more influence over your life than most would think.
You have heard of lobbying right? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lobbying
Lobbying is a well known and widely accepted practice in the political sphere. Essentially
Lobbyists are wanting to influence the
agenda of a political party to fit their own agenda, to maximise the likely
hood of that bringing around a higher monetary yield, aka profit, and a profit
which benefits a few at the top who own these corporations. Money and power are
their only motivations.
So you can see that the people at the so called top who have
all of this money are the ones who are in control of the game. This is of course as long as people continue
play their games. Slowly but surely more
and more people are deciding that the current way is not the way and they
choose to go living off grid in an effort to starve the beast that is the big
corps (corpse). While this will help it
will not do away with the archaic paradigm of having to work because of money.
While money exists there will always be a banker of some
sort. This banker will control the
supply of money and therefore control your life. Banking is probably one of the biggest
business in the world all under control
of central banks (They are all businesses) these businesses all have their own
agendas and can and do influence politics in a big way thus influencing ever
more greatly, though less directly, your life.
So imagine if you will, an unhindered existence where we have no need for a monetary system, an existence where we are free to create and produce magnificent world changing things that will assist our development as a species for the good of all. I’m not talking about a utopia, though it would be nice. I’m talking more of a place that took care of all and all took care of each other because we can, because it is right, and because we are more evolved than animals establishing an unnecessary pecking order.
In my opinion, these
oligarchs are nothing more than un-evolved apes holding a pack of matches and a
of dynamite. It’s time we took the matches the matches and dynamite away from the apes and helped them evolve too.
of dynamite. It’s time we took the matches the matches and dynamite away from the apes and helped them evolve too.
Tuesday, 27 August 2013
Thursday, 22 August 2013
Enola - Boat Life in Dry Dock
Over the past few weeks I’ve been helping out on a boat
restoration project down near Portsmouth.
The boat itself is quite rare. Rare in so much that she is
the last of her kind. Built by a company
called Thorneycroft (Now known as Vospa-Thorneycroft )1928 as a Gentleman’s Motor
Yacht for private owners. She was later
requisitioned during world war two and
used as a naval river patrol vessel, mounted with a large gun on deck she would
patrol the Thames and the Thames estuary
watching for the enemy.
I don't know much else about the boats history, The current owners have a dream for her
though. To be fully renovated and made
fully ready for Sailng once again. This
whole process should take around two years.
I am only here for the short while due to unforeseen family commitments and sooner or later
the cabin I’m currently sleeping in will probably become uninhabitable as more and more
of the boat is stripped and the only
place for me to stay here is in the cabin.
Here are some pictures of the work that has been going on over the past few weeks
We have been gradually stripping the interior including the walls and the flooring.
Now the interior of the fore of the boat has been stripped Sanding down has been happening to prepare for painting of Damboline waterproof bilge paint. The wooden beams are to be sanded down and either stained and or varnished with the walls insulated and lined with wood cladding.
I depart from here at the end of the month. I'm hoping to return at some point to come and help again. Will be interesting to see the changes. I will be keeping an eye on the blog that has been set up for Enola to check for progress If you wish to do the same please follow this LINK to Enolas blog page.
Thanks for looking
Take care
Saturday, 10 August 2013
My Intro on www.justfortheloveofit.org
Hi Folks,
I might have already introduced myself sometime back but can't really remember if I did or not so here goes.
I have lived for over 2 years without using money. How ? I travel to places to help people complete projects or work. As I do this my needs are taken care of. My shelter food and all other things i need are generally provided for by those who I work with. I say I "work with" as i work for no one as such.
I embarked on this mission, in part to prove a point, the point being we can live without money it's only belief system that has been sold to us through centuries of "That's just the way it is" It's time for a new way to be, time to use our imaginations and think outside of the societal box we find ourselves in today.
Imagine how mankind could progress if progress was not hindered by the monetary system. There are many great ideas out there but because they are deemed "Financially unviable" they are shelved or worse still binned. This is a case of insanity in my mind and we must start thinking differently as a species if we are to be a successful species.
If things were valued for the use they have and not for a fictional accounting system and people were not used and valued for who they are we would find ourselves living in a much better world. No more poverty, all needs taken care of, all people free to do the good they wish to do unhindered. Just imagine !
I have a page on Facebook if anyone here uses it. https://www.facebook.com/discovereringtheway there are a few other pages on there too (Listed below). Twitter for those that use it. https://twitter.com/waydiscoverer Alternatively I have an actual blog page here http://www.way-discoverer.blogspot.co.uk/
https://www.facebook.com/pages/Money-Free-Party/444170895659998?fref=ts https://www.facebook.com/groups/moneyfreemovement/?fref=ts
Vist Just For the Love of it Freeconomy page here www.justfortheloveofit.org
I might have already introduced myself sometime back but can't really remember if I did or not so here goes.
I have lived for over 2 years without using money. How ? I travel to places to help people complete projects or work. As I do this my needs are taken care of. My shelter food and all other things i need are generally provided for by those who I work with. I say I "work with" as i work for no one as such.
I embarked on this mission, in part to prove a point, the point being we can live without money it's only belief system that has been sold to us through centuries of "That's just the way it is" It's time for a new way to be, time to use our imaginations and think outside of the societal box we find ourselves in today.
Imagine how mankind could progress if progress was not hindered by the monetary system. There are many great ideas out there but because they are deemed "Financially unviable" they are shelved or worse still binned. This is a case of insanity in my mind and we must start thinking differently as a species if we are to be a successful species.
If things were valued for the use they have and not for a fictional accounting system and people were not used and valued for who they are we would find ourselves living in a much better world. No more poverty, all needs taken care of, all people free to do the good they wish to do unhindered. Just imagine !
I have a page on Facebook if anyone here uses it. https://www.facebook.com/discovereringtheway there are a few other pages on there too (Listed below). Twitter for those that use it. https://twitter.com/waydiscoverer Alternatively I have an actual blog page here http://www.way-discoverer.blogspot.co.uk/
https://www.facebook.com/pages/Money-Free-Party/444170895659998?fref=ts https://www.facebook.com/groups/moneyfreemovement/?fref=ts
Vist Just For the Love of it Freeconomy page here www.justfortheloveofit.org
Tuesday, 9 July 2013
Are We Dreaming or Doing ?
Hi Folks,
Yes it's been a while since I wrote in my blog and there are a few reasons, (not that i feel the need to justify the absence of posts to anyone). The main reason being I have been busy doing what I do interacting and working with people to help them, in the hope that my moneyless lifestyle hits home with someone. Maybe that's all it will take, the right person in the right place at the right time that will change our world to a better one. In the words of John Lennon, "They say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one"
The above statement is what brought me to write this post. It would seem more and more people and groups talking about moneyless societies. To name a few, The Moneyless Party, The Venus Project and UBUNTU Liberation Movement. Though these are all well and good,online, are they just dreaming or are they doing anything on the ground?
I am ever hopeful that this trend continues and as I said earlier maybe this will spark interest in the right mind at the right place and time. I'm not against people spreading awareness online, however, without real ground level action and doing nothing other than talk, are we going to get anywhere? I doubt it.
I am now on the look out for real, on the ground solutions to the monster that is capitalism and would look to joining them. I could go on forever as a lone person doing what I'm doing as I do it now. Though I feel now that I need to get together with "like minds" (I say that loosely as no ones mind is quite like your own) to start to take real ground level action.
Over the next few months I'll be busy with a Boat restoration project, after that I'll continue as I am until I find people that are and willing to go the mile and are taking real action with real solutions. I'm not talking about those who are wishing to replace the current monetary system with another. Nor am I looking to those who wish to go back to barter. Barter is where money came from and as Einstein rightly stated "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them" so there would be no point to going back to a barter system, it wouldn't be fair and people would still suffer in this world because of it.
I don't have all the answers, I am just discovering the way and all I do know is if people were able and left to do what is truly in their hearts, not what the system has superimposed on them through media with the promises of a dream that is unatainable for most, then the world would become a much better place.
Below are a few links to various organisations and groups should you wish to read more about moneyless society and how it could work.
Please note, the views on the links are no necessarily reflective of my own. I have posted these links to give a varied range of views on how a moneyless society could work.
The first two links are all about people who are really embracing a moneyless life.
Yes it's been a while since I wrote in my blog and there are a few reasons, (not that i feel the need to justify the absence of posts to anyone). The main reason being I have been busy doing what I do interacting and working with people to help them, in the hope that my moneyless lifestyle hits home with someone. Maybe that's all it will take, the right person in the right place at the right time that will change our world to a better one. In the words of John Lennon, "They say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one"
The above statement is what brought me to write this post. It would seem more and more people and groups talking about moneyless societies. To name a few, The Moneyless Party, The Venus Project and UBUNTU Liberation Movement. Though these are all well and good,online, are they just dreaming or are they doing anything on the ground?
I am ever hopeful that this trend continues and as I said earlier maybe this will spark interest in the right mind at the right place and time. I'm not against people spreading awareness online, however, without real ground level action and doing nothing other than talk, are we going to get anywhere? I doubt it.
I am now on the look out for real, on the ground solutions to the monster that is capitalism and would look to joining them. I could go on forever as a lone person doing what I'm doing as I do it now. Though I feel now that I need to get together with "like minds" (I say that loosely as no ones mind is quite like your own) to start to take real ground level action.
Over the next few months I'll be busy with a Boat restoration project, after that I'll continue as I am until I find people that are and willing to go the mile and are taking real action with real solutions. I'm not talking about those who are wishing to replace the current monetary system with another. Nor am I looking to those who wish to go back to barter. Barter is where money came from and as Einstein rightly stated "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them" so there would be no point to going back to a barter system, it wouldn't be fair and people would still suffer in this world because of it.
I don't have all the answers, I am just discovering the way and all I do know is if people were able and left to do what is truly in their hearts, not what the system has superimposed on them through media with the promises of a dream that is unatainable for most, then the world would become a much better place.
Below are a few links to various organisations and groups should you wish to read more about moneyless society and how it could work.
Please note, the views on the links are no necessarily reflective of my own. I have posted these links to give a varied range of views on how a moneyless society could work.
The first two links are all about people who are really embracing a moneyless life.
Monday, 1 April 2013
Goodbye & Hello 3 1st's
I recently moved on to my new host who invited me to come and help out with some DIY jobs over in England, so for now it is a goodbye to Wales and hello again to England.
The contrast couldn't be greater (Except for the current cold weather of course) The Land is flat mainly. I am staying in a 1950's prefabricated house. These where built to house people after the war I'm told and were only meant as a temporary accommodation. Its amazing how these where built to last for only ten years and over sixty years on they are still going. That's how things used to be built, to last!
So far I have decorated one bedroom. There are a few bits and pieces like furniture to be painted to match once they are done I'll try to get pictures up. Next I think we will be tackling the hallway, stripping, filling, sanding and painting etc, followed by laying a floor.
I'm enjoying my stay here and I have animal company too. 4 Chickens, 3 Dogs (one of which is a house guest), 3 Ferrets and a Cat. I had my first ever experience of walking a ferret on a lead yesterday, I happened to be walking the lazy one. He didn't want to walk and I ended up carrying him to the point where we came back, once he knew we were heading back he decided to walk. I think he just wanted to stay home.
Another first was had yesterday,I was at a birthday celebration and we had cheese fondue. it was seriously extremely cheesy. I was warned before of a Swedish tradition that if your bread falls off your stick into the cheese you have to pay for the wine. It was good that I didn't as I would probably have had to do the washing up instead.
I'm hoping to get to see some of my family, who I haven't seen for over a year now, whilst i'm in this part of the country. I plan to take a weekend off to go and see them in the coming weeks.
I am having issues getting pictures up due to my recent computer failure, so i'll try to update as and when I can. The pictures I have posted are just for illustration purposes.
And finally another first, I have been invited onto an internet radio show tomorrow Tue, April 2, 2013 07:00 pm http://www.blogtalkradio.com/universalawareness/2013/04/02/linda-in-conversation-with-spyke-who-lives-without-money-1 please tune in if you would like to listen.
Hope you all have an awesome day :)
The contrast couldn't be greater (Except for the current cold weather of course) The Land is flat mainly. I am staying in a 1950's prefabricated house. These where built to house people after the war I'm told and were only meant as a temporary accommodation. Its amazing how these where built to last for only ten years and over sixty years on they are still going. That's how things used to be built, to last!
Image for Illustration Purposes Only 1950's Prefab |
So far I have decorated one bedroom. There are a few bits and pieces like furniture to be painted to match once they are done I'll try to get pictures up. Next I think we will be tackling the hallway, stripping, filling, sanding and painting etc, followed by laying a floor.
I'm enjoying my stay here and I have animal company too. 4 Chickens, 3 Dogs (one of which is a house guest), 3 Ferrets and a Cat. I had my first ever experience of walking a ferret on a lead yesterday, I happened to be walking the lazy one. He didn't want to walk and I ended up carrying him to the point where we came back, once he knew we were heading back he decided to walk. I think he just wanted to stay home.
Another first was had yesterday,I was at a birthday celebration and we had cheese fondue. it was seriously extremely cheesy. I was warned before of a Swedish tradition that if your bread falls off your stick into the cheese you have to pay for the wine. It was good that I didn't as I would probably have had to do the washing up instead.
I'm hoping to get to see some of my family, who I haven't seen for over a year now, whilst i'm in this part of the country. I plan to take a weekend off to go and see them in the coming weeks.
I am having issues getting pictures up due to my recent computer failure, so i'll try to update as and when I can. The pictures I have posted are just for illustration purposes.
And finally another first, I have been invited onto an internet radio show tomorrow Tue, April 2, 2013 07:00 pm http://www.blogtalkradio.com/universalawareness/2013/04/02/linda-in-conversation-with-spyke-who-lives-without-money-1 please tune in if you would like to listen.
Hope you all have an awesome day :)
Tuesday, 22 January 2013
Wednesday, 9 January 2013
Possible Routes for the Next few Months 2013
Following my recent correspondance with people regarding my advert I thought i'd put up this map to show my possible routes over the next few months. If im nearby you give or take 50 miles or so please get in touch if you want me to come and help out. This is only a map of possibles so nothing is set in stone unless someone has actually booked me.
I will be startting off at A and will be there until around 20th March and will set off for B. I then will be heading back potentially to C then D and E.
For further details please get in touch via Facebook
My Advert is here Handyman Advert
This is a list of my Skills
Tuesday, 8 January 2013
The Coming Year 2013
Just recently I decided that I needed some work to get resources. I thought a good plan would be to advertise the fact I needed work. I have done this before but with little response to my shout outs on facebook and twitter. I thought, well... I have to do this differently and so I put a free ad in gumtree.
Since placing the ad and posting the ad in facebook I got a much better response than I could have imagined. So much so that i'm now booked for the next couple of months and there is work beyond that. I would like to say thank you to all of you who responded, it has really lifted my hopes and spirits .
What has come out of the response is that I should be travelling about more and experiencing more of what life has to offer me. Quite a few of the responses are from outside of wales and all seem like interesting options and projects to go and help out with.
I have had some questions regarding what my requirements of hosts are and it has become difficult to keep track of who I've answered and who I haven't, due to the different pages I posted my ad on and number of enquiries. So I've decided that I will make a list here on this blog so that I can post the list as and when someone wants to know more information about my requirements. I will be posting this as my next post.
So, I'm booked up with so far...
Helping out a friend installing a wood burner in their camper van, should only take a day or so. Then I'm back to my caravan on the farm. I have to speak with the Owner about keeping the caravan on long term as a short stay place when i'm over this way, i'm confident we can come to some kind of agreement.
I will be over in Pembre/Bury Port next week helping clear a storage yard and then for two months starting 20th this month I'll be house sitting in Ponty and helping the house owner with repairs and maintenance jobs.
After that, is still open and have yet to plan for. I have had an offer to go to Cambridgeshire for a while to help someone with things they need doing and an offer to go to Ireland to help over there (if you are that person please get back in touch as I cant find where I posted and saw your response). I would like to do both Ideally. Cambridgshire is closer to home and may give me the opportunity to do some visiting whilst over there. I also had an offer back over here in wales (pembrokeshire) I figure if i'm on the way to Ireland I could visit there on the way.
A this point I haven't got an exacting plan but the most useful thing would be to get jobs on route to places I'm heading. This is where I need some help, I could do with anyone who is on my route(s) that needs me to come help out to get in touch when they can see i'm on a route that will come somewhere near them.
I'm hoping to get some software set up to show routes etc, but for now i'll try and post on facebook and twitter when i'm know my movements.
Here's a link to my ad for those that didn't see it first time round. http://www.gumtree.com/p/business-services/general-handy-man-for-hire-and-reward/1006350579
If you wish to get in touch my facebook blog page is here
https://www.facebook.com/discovereringtheway or contact me direct on 07597094991 (UK)
Since placing the ad and posting the ad in facebook I got a much better response than I could have imagined. So much so that i'm now booked for the next couple of months and there is work beyond that. I would like to say thank you to all of you who responded, it has really lifted my hopes and spirits .
What has come out of the response is that I should be travelling about more and experiencing more of what life has to offer me. Quite a few of the responses are from outside of wales and all seem like interesting options and projects to go and help out with.
I have had some questions regarding what my requirements of hosts are and it has become difficult to keep track of who I've answered and who I haven't, due to the different pages I posted my ad on and number of enquiries. So I've decided that I will make a list here on this blog so that I can post the list as and when someone wants to know more information about my requirements. I will be posting this as my next post.
So, I'm booked up with so far...
Helping out a friend installing a wood burner in their camper van, should only take a day or so. Then I'm back to my caravan on the farm. I have to speak with the Owner about keeping the caravan on long term as a short stay place when i'm over this way, i'm confident we can come to some kind of agreement.
I will be over in Pembre/Bury Port next week helping clear a storage yard and then for two months starting 20th this month I'll be house sitting in Ponty and helping the house owner with repairs and maintenance jobs.
After that, is still open and have yet to plan for. I have had an offer to go to Cambridgeshire for a while to help someone with things they need doing and an offer to go to Ireland to help over there (if you are that person please get back in touch as I cant find where I posted and saw your response). I would like to do both Ideally. Cambridgshire is closer to home and may give me the opportunity to do some visiting whilst over there. I also had an offer back over here in wales (pembrokeshire) I figure if i'm on the way to Ireland I could visit there on the way.
A this point I haven't got an exacting plan but the most useful thing would be to get jobs on route to places I'm heading. This is where I need some help, I could do with anyone who is on my route(s) that needs me to come help out to get in touch when they can see i'm on a route that will come somewhere near them.
I'm hoping to get some software set up to show routes etc, but for now i'll try and post on facebook and twitter when i'm know my movements.
Here's a link to my ad for those that didn't see it first time round. http://www.gumtree.com/p/business-services/general-handy-man-for-hire-and-reward/1006350579
If you wish to get in touch my facebook blog page is here
https://www.facebook.com/discovereringtheway or contact me direct on 07597094991 (UK)
Monday, 7 January 2013
Throughout my life I've done many things and subsequently picked up many skills. Below is a few of the things I have done. I've probably left much out but hopefully this gives you a clearer idea of what I'm able to do for you.
Painting & Decorating
Patching Plasterwork
Laminate Floor Laying
Floor Tiling
Wall Tiling
Re Grouting
Door Hanging
Basic Electrical, (Wiring Plugs, Light Pendants etc..).
Wood Burner Installation
General Cleaning
Deep Cleaning
Oven Cleaning
Window Cleaning
General Labouring
Garden Clearance
Marquee Erecting
Minor Brick Work
Re Pointing of brickwork
Other Skills
Project Management
Cycle Repairs
PC Literate
Video Shooting & Editing (Windows Movie Maker Software)
Social Media (See my facebook twitter and other web mediums i use)
https:// www.way-discoverer.blogspot.com
Painting & Decorating
Patching Plasterwork
Laminate Floor Laying
Floor Tiling
Wall Tiling
Re Grouting
Door Hanging
Basic Electrical, (Wiring Plugs, Light Pendants etc..).
Wood Burner Installation
General Cleaning
Deep Cleaning
Oven Cleaning
Window Cleaning
General Labouring
Garden Clearance
Marquee Erecting
Minor Brick Work
Re Pointing of brickwork
Other Skills
Project Management
Cycle Repairs
PC Literate
Video Shooting & Editing (Windows Movie Maker Software)
Social Media (See my facebook twitter and other web mediums i use)
https:// www.way-discoverer.blogspot.com
Requirements Updated
As I live without money I am reliant on the resources coming from whatever source they come from. Usually a host that I'm working with will provide what I require, Below are a list of requirements followed by a list of preferences (in no particular order).
Please remember, not all of these will apply and will be dependent on factors such as length of work, conditions and distance to travel to and from. Please ask if you need further info.
I require either the ingredients and facilities to provide my own meals or share meals with the household. I am vegetarian so please bear this in mind (Read Preferences Below)
Must have some where warm and dry to stay for duration of any work. This can be either with your house hold or some other accommodation you have, such as a caravan or similar.
I require at least 50g tobacco per week. ( I always respect those who don't smoke by not smoking in their homes if requested. )
I need to ensure I can communicate with the world to keep me on my journey so a top up on my phone is required at least once a month (not necessary on every job if i already have plenty on my phone)
I do like a drink and a few nights of the week it's good to unwind. So a couple of beers/wine every other day is something nice to have.
Every so often I will require new clothing. Please ask if you can help with this whilst I'm working with you.
Not using money can be quite limiting, however, I do hitch hike shorter distances otherwise a bus or train ticket from the host will get me where I need to be. Please ask if you are unsure.
As I'm a vegetarian I must eat a vegetarian diet. This means no meat or meat derivatives like gelatin or animal fats etc. I do drink milk though am happy with substitutes if you happen to be full vegan. As long as I have a good feed every day I'm happy. It's all about what you are able to supply me inline with being vegetarian.
Read about Vegetarianism
Accommodation is a vital and I need to be well rested to be able to help you. It is important that I have somewhere within reach of the site or place you wish to have me working. I am happy to live in accommodation within households or separately. I prefer households that have friendly animals and I'm a bit dubious of larger dogs.
I don't mind working on a farm so long as there are no live stock, with perhaps the exception of chickens etc...
I'm a bit vague with the rest of preferences as I do like to go with the flow and see how things go. At the end of the day we are all human and we can all express what we like at the time.
For a list of my skills please see post titled Skills
I hope that gives a clearer picture of my requirements and preferences.
Mobile: 07597094991
Please remember, not all of these will apply and will be dependent on factors such as length of work, conditions and distance to travel to and from. Please ask if you need further info.
I require either the ingredients and facilities to provide my own meals or share meals with the household. I am vegetarian so please bear this in mind (Read Preferences Below)
Must have some where warm and dry to stay for duration of any work. This can be either with your house hold or some other accommodation you have, such as a caravan or similar.
I require at least 50g tobacco per week. ( I always respect those who don't smoke by not smoking in their homes if requested. )
I need to ensure I can communicate with the world to keep me on my journey so a top up on my phone is required at least once a month (not necessary on every job if i already have plenty on my phone)
I do like a drink and a few nights of the week it's good to unwind. So a couple of beers/wine every other day is something nice to have.
Every so often I will require new clothing. Please ask if you can help with this whilst I'm working with you.
Not using money can be quite limiting, however, I do hitch hike shorter distances otherwise a bus or train ticket from the host will get me where I need to be. Please ask if you are unsure.
As I'm a vegetarian I must eat a vegetarian diet. This means no meat or meat derivatives like gelatin or animal fats etc. I do drink milk though am happy with substitutes if you happen to be full vegan. As long as I have a good feed every day I'm happy. It's all about what you are able to supply me inline with being vegetarian.
Read about Vegetarianism
Accommodation is a vital and I need to be well rested to be able to help you. It is important that I have somewhere within reach of the site or place you wish to have me working. I am happy to live in accommodation within households or separately. I prefer households that have friendly animals and I'm a bit dubious of larger dogs.
I don't mind working on a farm so long as there are no live stock, with perhaps the exception of chickens etc...
I'm a bit vague with the rest of preferences as I do like to go with the flow and see how things go. At the end of the day we are all human and we can all express what we like at the time.
For a list of my skills please see post titled Skills
I hope that gives a clearer picture of my requirements and preferences.
Mobile: 07597094991
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